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Monday, September 14, 2009

Remaining Faithful

You've gotten the breakthrough that you wanted and so you can exhale just a little bit. Your prayers were answered and your storm is now over! You can relax and catch up on the latest news with your co-workers on your lunch break. Right? Not so fast.

How long will you remain faithful as a prayer warrior, serving at church, testifying everywhere you go and do so just as diligently as you did when you were in need of God's mercy and grace? After the waves of life that throw us and jolt us have calmed down, we tend to turn away from the same God that kept us in the midst of our storm. Why is this?

We get complacent and think that we have arrived. Another reason may be that we often feel so beat up and shipwrecked after our storm that we just want to be "normal" again. After a while, we begin making excuses about how busy we are on the same job that we asked God for and received. We use the same gifts that God gave us in every other capacity BUT to build up the Kingdom. We fail to give to God and others with the very same provisions that God has bestowed upon us. We begin to be our biggest problems. Sometimes being "normal" or being in a relaxed mode can mean being distracted by things that separate us from our number one love. No matter what, we must REMAIN FAITHFUL in doing those things that keep us connected to God.

According to the Dictionary, remain means "stay the same, especially after something else has been removed or not used up; continue in a place, position, or situation; persist". Therefore, the faith that you had when you were trusting God to deliver you should still be strong and present even after your storm has been removed. You've heard the saying, "You're either in a storm, headed to a storm, or on your way out of a storm." That is a sheer indicator that remaining faithful in praying, serving and inspiring others is absolutely necessary ALL THE TIME!.

1 Thessalonian 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing." Remain faithful by praying for the storm you're in and the storm you'll be in next week, next month or next year. Serve at your church and in your community whether your storm is over or not, remain faithful to serving other people because your testimony can impact someone else life or their testimony will inspire you. Instead of always joining your co-workers for lunch or watching TV for hours on end after work, study God's word, sing hymns of praise and continue doing those things that strengthen your relationship with The One who loves you most; The One who always remains faithful to you. "God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on)..."1 Corinthians 1:9

Are you remaining faithful during this season of your life?

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