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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Social Networks or Your Soul?

Social Networks like Facebook, Myspace, Virb, Twitter, BlackPlanet, Ning, LinkedIn, Blogspot, Friendster, Tagged, and hundreds more have taken over many people's lives. I admit that I love staying connected to friends and family through social networks but I also notice the negative aspects of them as well. I encourage everyone who use social networks to do so with caution. Don't lose your soul to a Social Network!

Social Networks can take all of your time if you're not careful. Set a time limit and don't go past your allotted time to chat with friends and family,etc. If you can no longer seem to focus on spending time in the Word of God, striving toward your career goals, taking care of your family and other responsibilities or you find yourself constantly checking your phone for updates, then you may need to evaluate where your priorities lie.

Unusual Connections
You may be connected with people through social networks who have a warped sense of life and who bombard you and your thoughts with their opinions. Guard your heart against things that you know are not of God. Be on guard against evil influences and by people who are not on the same path as you. You should be an example to other people who are lost and confused about life. Matthew 5:16 says "...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Be the light in the dark places and even on social networks.

Be Careful Little Eyes
Many social networks can lead to developing dangerous relationships with strangers and even open a door to other serious issues. Be careful with exchanging photos, checking out links to third party websites and going into chat rooms that have questionable atmospheres.

All In Fun
Social networks are designed to be fun and to provide a network or platform to socialize. It was never meant to turn into a place for men and women to act unbecoming to themselves or one another. I encourage you to be mindful of your usage or over usage of Social Networks. Anything that takes you away from your relationship with God, serving others and fulfilling your purpose is not something that should be a priority in your life. So choose your Soul over a Social Network every time!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Memphis' Mayoral Race 2009

Kenneth T. Whalum, Jr.

A.C. Wharton

Carol Chumney

Thursday, October 15, 2009 Memphians will vote in a very special election for a new Mayor of Memphis. Several candidates are running for this position and DIVINE Magazine had the priviliege of catching up with some of the TOP candidates.

Scroll down to read interviews with Carol Chumney, A.C. Wharton, and Kenneth T. Whalum Jr.

A huge thanks to each candidate for taking the time to share with DIVINE readers in the Memphis area what they plan to do for the city of Memphis.

Many Blessings To Each Of You on Your Campaign!

Monday, October 12, 2009

7 Questions For...

Memphis Mayoral Candidate Carol Chumney

DIVINE: (1) What are the top 5 issues you plan to tackle as mayor?
CC: I have a "Back to Basics" platform, which can be viewed at As a lifelong Memphian who loves this city, my top priorities are to cut crime, bring good-paying jobs, work with the faith-based community and businesses to provide after-school activities and summer jobs for youth, fill the Pyramid, and revitalize neighborhoods.

DIVINE: (2) What support can you/do you plan to provide for Faith Based Organizations?
CC: I am a person of faith and regularly attend Calvary Episcopal Church (downtown), and Hope Presbyterian Church (Cordova). I have visited churches, synagogues,and other places of worship in Memphis. I will form an advisory committee of religious leaders from different faiths. I will work with them and businesses to develop programs for positive after-school activities and summer jobs for youth.

DIVINE: (3) Describe your passion for the City of Memphis.
CC: After 40 years since the tragic death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in our city, I believe this is the appointed time for Memphians to come together and heal. We have wandered in the wilderness long enough, and can conquer the giants of high crime, high unemployment, high poverty, and kids not having hope and a future, and make this a world class city. I see Memphis as becoming the economic engine of the South.

DIVINE: (4) Why do you want to be the mayor?
CC: I've devoted most of my adult life to public service, and I believe in the people of Memphis. I am running for Mayor because I believe that we can bring the change we need.

DIVINE: (5) What do you feel you bring to the table?
CC: I bring 13 years as a state legislator, and 4 years as a Memphis City Councilwoman. I also have been an attorney in private practice for over 22 years. The people of Memphis have always been able to count on me to stand up for them and let their voices be heard. I have a record of getting things done, such as fighting to repeal the 12 year pension for elected officials, passing statewide reform to make child care safer, passing the law to let the Memphis Church Health Center provide health care to thousands of working poor, and stopping legislation that would let corporations cover up environmental hazards. I am a proud graduate of the Memphis Public Schools, and of the University of Memphis college and law school.

DIVINE: (6) How will citizens be able to gauge your progress as mayor?
CC: Is your neighborhood safer? Are kids in school, and safer on the way to and from school? Are there more positive activities for youth after school, and summer jobs? Are more good-paying jobs here? Are we being perceived as the up and coming city for relocation of businesses and families? Since this special election is to fill a vacancy, I will have less than 700 days to make a difference. I believe we can.

DIVINE: (7) Who/What Inspires You?
CC: The stories in the Bible inspire me- such as David who was anointed by God to become the King of Israel because he was a good shepherd, had faith, and a true heart. Or how about the battle of Gideon, in Judges, chapters 6 and 7. Gideon started with an army of 22,000 men, and God sent all of them home except for 300 men to defeat the Midianites and show his power.

7 Questions For...

Memphis Mayoral Candidate A.C. Wharton

DIVINE: (1) What are the top issues that you plan to tackle when you get into office?
AC: (1) Solving Crime is my number one priority. (2) Safety next because I want to ensure domestic tranquility. (3) Job Security because if we have more jobs it means less people in jail, less worry about teenage pregnancy, low self-esteem, etc. If people have good jobs then there is a certain pride and dignity that flows from them, people feel like they are contributing. (4) Education because building support and finding resources for our schools is very important. I want to have a better relationship with the schools by providing support and not meddling.

DIVINE: (2) How long will it take for your plan of action to take place?
AC: Immediately. I am working on projects right now.

DIVINE: (3) What support can you/do you plan to provide for Faith Based Organizations?
AC: Build on what I've done already. Continue with the Faith Based Council and continue to implement programs like Headstart, Community Clean-up Programs, etc. I owe Faith Based Organizations for their support. I'd be the first to help with funding just as we did with World Overcomers and the Infant Mortality Project.

DIVINE: (4) Who/What Inspires You?
AC: My faith inspires me...I am a spirited's hard for me to see evil. I always see the good in things and people. I have a good ability to do that. The people of good will greatly outweigh the people that don't...I can't walk way from that...I want to be involved with it.

DIVINE: (5) How would you change the big ball of potential theory that surrounds the city of Memphis?
AC: We've got the potential to be an excellent city...we have so many natural attributes--the river, the untapped labor force, people of good will, University of Memphis, University of Tennessee, Lemoyne Owen, all the colleges and universities and much more. We just need a leader to tap into it and release it. Even the fact that Allen Iverson is here is great, anything that will unleash the competitiveness in us and the spirit of teamwork is good for our city.

DIVINE: (6) How will citizens be able to gauge the city of Memphis' progress under your leadership?
AC: I'm accessible and transparent about everything. I will set goals, provide time tables and measuring devices. I will always communicate with the citizens what's going on in our city.

DIVINE: (7) Describe your passion for the city of Memphis.
AC: I've had the privilege to travel to a lot of places and all cities have challenges. It's a love affair with me as it relates to my passion for Memphis. I wasn't born and raised here but I moved here by choice and stayed by choice. I want to help this city reach its fullest potential.

7 Questions For...

Memphis Mayoral Candidate Kenneth Whalum

DIVINE: (1) What are the top 5 issues you plan to tackle as mayor?
KW:There are only two major issues in this campaign. All the rest flow from them.
(1) Consolidation. I will swiftly snuff out the talk of consolidation and the spending of government resources on promoting consolidation, and redirect all resources into meeting the needs of MEMPHIANS; in other words, those who live inside the city limits.
(2) Personal Character. I will continue to lead by example in terms of faithfulness to my wife, serving as role model for boys, covering this community’s women and children.
DIVINE: (2) How long will it take your plan of action to take place?
KW: In the first 30 days I will conduct a public and systematic inspection of crucial city services to determine whether a standard of excellence in customer satisfaction is being met. This will include practice in the chain of command and communication exercises.

DIVINE: (3) What support can you/do you plan to provide for Faith Based Organizations?
KW: Within constitutional legal restraints I will offer support to those FBO who provide services to Memphis citizens based on need and not religious affiliation.

DIVINE: (4) What is the greatest hindrance to Memphis' growth?
KW: A communal inferiority complex that has been in place since the day Dr. King was assassinated.

DIVINE: (5) What are your plans to remove the hindrance(s)?
KW: I will continue to uplift young people and give them an actual voice in their own government by adopting the principles and policies of the Memphis Youth Manifesto found at

DIVINE: (6) Describe your passion for the City of Memphis.

DIVINE: (7) Why do you want to be the mayor?
KW: Because we owe it to the legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to make the city he died in a shining example of excellence.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Whenever we enter a new season I’m always tempted to think about the seasons that we encounter in our lives. Some of our seasons are plentiful, some are barren and some are stagnant. When we are in the midst of a good season we are the happiest people alive but when our seasons are not so pleasant we tend to withdraw from the world. Philippians 4:11 (KJV) urges us to “be content in whatever state we are in”. I admit this is hard to do when faced with family sickness or unpleasant co-workers or other tough situations, but it is definitely a good challenge to Christians. As we are blessed with cool Fall evenings, the beautiful colors that drench the leaves, and the smell of the crisp morning air let's remember to do a few things:

  • Display cool, calm and even cheerful countenances no matter what.

  • Reflect upon your attitude, your demeanor and your moods.

  • Remember to express beautiful spirits and speak pleasant words.

  • Plant good seeds for a bountiful harvest.

  • Blossom in the Spirit of God.

  • Most importantly, allow God to do a “new” thing within you during this new season!

Enjoy Fall!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Life’s Tests Lead to Testimonies

Trusting God is not just something to say anymore. It is a statement that comes at a high cost. A statement that has to be spoken with vigilance and by those who are unafraid of the tests that comes along with it. All tests aren’t from Satan. Many tests and trials come from God and He wants to see if we really trust Him. If you haven’t already, you will come to a point where going to church just isn’t enough, reading motivational books just isn’t enough, pep talks from friends won’t do. You’ve got to wake up everyday thinking, “Lord, will this mountain move today?” and at the end of the day when it hasn’t moved you’ve got to say, “Okay, Lord you’re in control so maybe tomorrow.” Even when the mountain you’re waiting on God to move becomes two, three or four mountains, you’ve got to take a deep breath and put your hands in God’s hands and say, “Lord, I trust you.”

I’ve discovered that even when you try to do everything right you still face adversity. People still come into your life and alter your paths. Situations continue to arise that force you to question your purpose and destiny. Moments like these can seem like they will last an eternity. These are the moments when God is pruning you and stretching you. All you feel like doing is crying, complaining, whining, screaming, hollering or all of the above. When you feel anger, resentment, disappointment, and disgust and you ask yourself, “why me” the question that really matters is “why not you”?

On many occasions God has brought us out of our situations and He is the “same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 KJV). He changes not. He rescued you before so why believe that your current situation is any different. It’s not. Trust God. He never fails.