Trusting God is not just something to say anymore. It is a statement that comes at a high cost. A statement that has to be spoken with vigilance and by those who are unafraid of the tests that comes along with it. All tests aren’t from Satan. Many tests and trials come from God and He wants to see if we really trust Him. If you haven’t already, you will come to a point where going to church just isn’t enough, reading motivational books just isn’t enough, pep talks from friends won’t do. You’ve got to wake up everyday thinking, “Lord, will this mountain move today?” and at the end of the day when it hasn’t moved you’ve got to say, “Okay, Lord you’re in control so maybe tomorrow.” Even when the mountain you’re waiting on God to move becomes two, three or four mountains, you’ve got to take a deep breath and put your hands in God’s hands and say, “Lord, I trust you.”
I’ve discovered that even when you try to do everything right you still face adversity. People still come into your life and alter your paths. Situations continue to arise that force you to question your purpose and destiny. Moments like these can seem like they will last an eternity. These are the moments when God is pruning you and stretching you. All you feel like doing is crying, complaining, whining, screaming, hollering or all of the above. When you feel anger, resentment, disappointment, and disgust and you ask yourself, “why me” the question that really matters is “why not you”?
On many occasions God has brought us out of our situations and He is the “same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 KJV). He changes not. He rescued you before so why believe that your current situation is any different. It’s not. Trust God. He never fails.
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